
September Mentoring Call - Replay

Finding balance in the instagram feed, boundaries around hourly rates and charging, how to structure retainer projects, when to hire a copywriter,

Here are the questions that were asked and the timestamps:

Q1. I wanted to chat about finding the balance between connecting with our audiences and selling to them at the same time…like the mix of posts on our Insta page being of ourselves, posting our work, selling our services etc. and still keeping all of that semi-branded with our personal brands all at the same time

Q2. Everybody want fast and perfect work result so I usually charge by project basis but how do you keep clear boundaries when they want to charge you hourly. “Do things take that long?” “How much time do you need to design this…”

Q4. I’m writing an ‘enquires’ page that has my contacts but also a section called “Ways to Work With Me”. I want to keep the focus on the day rate rather than services and packages. Do you girls have insights for the booking options? I.e.: 

  1. Day rate – a sentence about daily or weekly bookings

  2. Monthly partnership – a sentence about monthly bookings with a 10% discount

  3. Retainer – how would it work? A few weekly hours? A few days a month?

Any other option or change on the above

Q5. Do people hire someone for LinkedIn posts? Copywriter? Social media content? Strategist?

Q6. I feel like i just make "art" rather than solve problems, so i find it hard to figure out what to offer, especially as i work with different mediums, how can i make this clearer for my audiences and help people understand what I can offer?

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